News - June 2016

Nani – Winner of the NOW Festival 2016

29 June 2016

Developed by Broadsquare School, the key themes of this winning act focused on mental health, social media and fitting into a new school when English is not your first language. Click the image to watch the film.

Young Person’s Advisory Service – G-Zine!

9 June 2016

The G-Zine is a new electronic magazine designed, edited and filled with content from the LGBT+ young people who access GYRO and THE Action Youth at YPAS in Liverpool.

YPAS Celebrate 50 years of mental health services for children and young people

1 June 2016

YPAS staff and some members of the CAMHS Partnership didn’t let a bit of rain stop them with a celebratory BBQ and fun and games at Sefton Park all in aid of YPAS’s 50th Birthday Celebrations.