News - Children & Young people - May 2018

YPAS Art Activist Awards Success

22 May 2018

On Saturday 12th May, Tuesday GYRO (12-16-year-olds) LGBTQ+ Youth and allies travelled to Manchester to attend the Art Activist competition hosted by The Proud Trust. This was a regional LGBTQ+ youth activist project that had young people from all over the North West descent upon Manchester to perform, display, act out their entries.

Young people’s mental health creative arts project at Tate Liverpool.

22 May 2018

Liverpool legend Jamie Carragher has unveiled a new creative arts project at Tate Liverpool, that explores young people’s thoughts and feelings in relation to mental health in education.

YPAS – service users, we want your views.

1 May 2018

As part of Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group’s commitment to understanding which services work well, we have joined up with local universities to do some evaluation projects.  This is called the Partner Priority Programme which is part of the Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC).  One of these evaluation projects is to […]