News - July 2019

Extra mental health support announced for schools and colleges in Liverpool

18 July 2019

Liverpool has secured funding for children and young people’s mental health, as part of the next wave of funding from a national trailblazer programme.

YPAS & EMB Community Family Fun Day   – celebrating 60yrs of the Hartsbourne estate

16 July 2019

A fantastic day was had by all at the 60th Birthday celebrations of the Hartsbourne Estate.

Liverpool CAMHS vacancies

14 July 2019

A number of vacancies have arisen within the CAMHS Partnership.

Merseyside Association of Family Therapy presents – Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): systemic understandings and responses

13 July 2019

An outline of the original ACE study will be presented, explored and discussed. This will lead on to consider the biology of the stress response. We will look at what is ‘trauma’ and how it impacts on our physical and mental wellbeing across the life course.