GYRO at the TATE Exchange – Exploring identity through the lens of LGBTQ+ youth in Liverpool
“Masquerade: Discover Your Other” –was a fabulous exhibition over at the Tate Exchange Liverpool that our young people from GYRO have been working on.
“Masquerade: Discover Your Other” –was a fabulous exhibition over at the Tate Exchange Liverpool that our young people from GYRO have been working on.
Bullybusters are inviting children and young people and their work colleagues to join them in wearing odd socks to celebrate Anti-Bullying week, which runs from the 11-15th November.
October saw the launch of our citywide Whole School Approach to mental health schools’ pathway for secondary and primary schools.
Over three hundred teachers, headteachers and school governors from across Liverpool attended the city’s first education-focused mental health conference at ACC Liverpool on Friday (October 18).
XenZone, a digital mental health pioneer, has been commissioned by Liverpool NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to provide its popular Kooth mental health and emotional wellbeing support service to all 14-25-year-olds in Liverpool. Kooth will be closely integrated with the Liverpool CAMHS Partners (Alder Hey, Mersey Care, YPAS, MYA, PSS, Barnardos Young Carers, Bullybusters, ADHD […]
Over 100 Liverpool schools participated in The Neurodiversity Umbrella Project which celebrates the intelligence, ability and employability of all young people.
Liverpool has secured funding for children and young people’s mental health, as part of the next wave of funding from a national trailblazer programme.
An outline of the original ACE study will be presented, explored and discussed. This will lead on to consider the biology of the stress response. We will look at what is ‘trauma’ and how it impacts on our physical and mental wellbeing across the life course.
FRESH CAMHS in partnership with Lancashire Wildlife Trust has been offering a pilot project of Forest School in Sandfield Park attached to Alder Hey Children’s Hospital.
Liverpool’s NOW Festival – the young person’s drama and arts festival seeking to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health – is going on tour!
June has been a busy time for the education mental health practitioners as they have been getting ready to see their first caseloads of children from across the city’s primary schools.
Stonewall Young Campaigner of the Year Ben Saunders Ben Saunders, a young person from THE Action Youth at YPAS has won Stonewall Young Campaigner of the Year.
Trailblazer Twenty-four pilot primary schools have now signed up to host twelve trainee Education Mental Health Practitioners (EMHPs) and mental health leads from each school have attended a training session around making referrals into the service. The practitioners (EMPHs) will be providing low-level interventions for children showing early signs of anxiety, low-mood and mild depression. […]
On Saturday 18th May 2019 GYRO (YPAS’s LGBTQ+ Youth Group) will be hosting the Art Activist and Being Proud Awards 2019 at Liverpool John Moores University Campus IM Marsh in Aigburth. The event acknowledges the International Day Against Homo/Bi/Transphobia (17th May) and links the themes from this year’s LGBT History Month, which is Peace, Reconciliation […]
ADHD Foundation will launch the UK’s first National Schools Neurodiversity Week in May. The campaign invites every school to simply take a pledge and offer some form of celebration in schools to highlight the intelligence, success and employability of those school children who have special educational needs.
Liverpool has reached a milestone in its ambition to become the first Unicef Child-Friendly City in the North West. In November, following work with partner agencies and young people, the city council submitted a bid to the global children’s organisation which cemented its intentions to put young people at the heart of everything it does. […]
Hundreds of children and young people from schools, clubs and youth groups across Liverpool came together to deliver a range of dramatic performances at the Epstein Theatre, exploring the subject of ‘Rise Up – Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) and Resilience.’