News - COVID-19 - 2020

COVID-19 study – children and young people

21 August 2020

Are you a young person returning to secondary school or sixth form in September?  We would like to hear your thoughts and concerns about returning to school following the COVID-19 pandemic, and your thoughts on a proposed research study to understand whether COVID-19 spreads in schools and the impact this may have outside of school.

COVID-19 Study parent/carer focus group

21 August 2020

Are you a parent of a child/young person returning to school primary/secondary or sixth form school in September?  We would like to hear your thoughts and concerns in a focus group about a research study looking at the potential transmission of COVID-19 in schools.

Seedlings Project update August 2020.

21 August 2020

On completion of the PSS / YPAS Seedlings contract merge in April 2020, the YPAS Seedlings team of 19 Children’s Psychological Therapists are currently delivering a Seedlings service to 109 primary schools across the city.

Partner Demand – COVID-19 support

10 August 2020

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, our partners have been working hard to support children, young people and their families.

Liverpool CAMHS recognised nationally

3 July 2020

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, our partners have quickly adapted their ways of working to keep providing vital mental health care and support to all children and young people who need it. We are so proud to be featured among the many mental health teams across the country in this report. Click here to read about […]

CAMHS Delivery and Training Summary – APRIL

3 June 2020

These infographics outline the CAMHS support delivered to children, young people, parents and carers as well as feedback received. Feedback on the bite-size training opportunities has been extremely positive. To book a place on a future course please visit the training events page. Download a PDF of these infographics here.

Bite-size Training Opportunities

13 May 2020

Merseyside Youth Association’s mental health promotion team (RAISE Team), has developed a range of bite-size courses, adapted from courses they have previously delivered. These sessions cover a range of mental health issues which impact on children, young people and their families.

Online safety for children and young people

30 April 2020

A guide to staying safe in the online world – so they can explore the endless possibilities technology offers, and safely navigate any risks.

Support service for those bereaved by suicide available now in Liverpool

29 April 2020

As part of funding received from NHS England to scale up suicide bereavement support, a new service is now available in Liverpool for anyone affected by suicide. Amparo offers a suicide liaison service to those who are navigating the difficult terrain following a loved one taking their own life.

 Mental health and emotional wellbeing support for children and young people in Liverpool.

29 April 2020

Children and young people living in Liverpool who need mental health and emotional wellbeing support can now access a range of adapted services from the Liverpool Child Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) partnership. Organisations have revised the support they offer to help families during this difficult time.

Helplines for Settings and Families

28 April 2020

In response to the current coronavirus pandemic, Liverpool Local Authority’s SEND Support Services would like to offer advice and support to our settings and families during this difficult time.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): support for victims of domestic abuse

14 April 2020

We know the government’s advice on self or household-isolation will have a direct impact on families experiencing domestic abuse.

Virtual support for parents/carers with a child experiencing mental health difficulties

9 April 2020

Fresh+ is offering online and virtual support groups for parents/carers with a child experiencing mental health difficulties.  

Resources to help social distancing

7 April 2020

As part of the Liverpool Whole School Approach to Mental Health, Liverpool Learning Partnership has set up a wakelet, a collection of resources that will help parents, carers and professionals to support children and young people during social distancing.

Free Youth Connect 5 training for parents & carers

7 April 2020

COVID-19 has presented us all with challenges we have never experienced, it can feel very overwhelming. Being able to deal with challenges, and helping your child manage life when it gets tough will make them stronger and improve their chances of being able to bounce back when things are stacked against them. On Monday 20th […]

COVID-19 Liverpool CAMHS Support

27 March 2020

The Liverpool CAMHS Partnership had adapted as coronavirus impacts our everyday lives. Our partners are working hard to ensure children, young people and families get the support they need during this time.

Take part in the Resilience Challenge

24 March 2020

The RAISE mental health promotion team are calling out for children and young people to take part in their Resilience Challenge.

Looking after families’ wellbeing while at home

19 March 2020

The Liverpool Learning Partnership (LLP), Mental Health Support Teams and the Whole School Approach Partnership have put together a short booklet to support families at home and encourage them to think about their emotional wellbeing during this time.