News - November 2021

Perinatal Mental Health Survey Liverpool

22 November 2021

Help us improve mental health services for pregnant women and new mums in Liverpool Liverpool City Council would like to hear from all women and their families who live in Liverpool who has experienced any type of mental health problem at any point during pregnancy or up until their baby turned one – also known […]

Autism Post-Diagnosis Learning Programme for families in Liverpool

13 November 2021

Liverpool CAMHS partner, ADDvanced Solutions Community Network (ASCN) is delivering a unique year-long programme for parents and carers whose child has received a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Liverpool University mental health study – can you help?

9 November 2021

Liverpool University is running a study ‘Exploring the use of remote and digital/online services, and the perceived effectiveness of this mode of delivery in addressing young people’s mental health needs’. The team are looking for adults, and parents/carers of children and young people who have received mental health support online to talk about their experience.