Feeling Lonely

Feeling lonely doesn’t always mean you are alone, you can be surrounded by lots of people and still feel like you’re on your own.

There are lots of reasons why you may feel lonely, including:

  • Have you moved to a new school, town or city?
  • Are you currently or have you been the victim of bullying in person or online?
  • You may have a disability or suffer from a physical or mental illness?
  • Do you find it difficult to make friends or meet new people?
  • Are you feeling anxious or suffering from depression?
  • You may not get on with your family or maybe you are living in care?
  • Have you fallen out with people who were close to you, such as friends or family?
  • Are you currently going through a bereavement?

It can be difficult to experience these things, and it makes you feel lonely. This may lead you to experience feelings such as low mood, anxiety or depression. If you are currently feeling any of these things or struggling with the experiences you are going through, then you can get help.

If you feel lonely, what can you do?

There are lots of things you can do to reduce the feelings of being lonely:

  • You can talk to someone you trust, such as a teacher, parent or youth worker.
  • Get involved in after-school clubs or activities outside of schools, such as sports, drama or music clubs.
  • You can also talk to someone in one of Liverpool’s Community Plus Hubs.
  • Speak to a trained counsellor or get involved in chatting with other young people on an online forum via Kooth