ACEs in Liverpool

Our aim is to strengthen and coordinate responsiveness to Adverse Childhood Experiences  (ACEs) so that Liverpool is a city that actively works to prevent ACEs and support those who may have ACEs across their life course.

A city that:

  • prevents children from being impacted by ACEs
  • ensure children and families have support through and protection from adversity
  • ensures adults are supported to mitigate the potential impact of their own ACEs on their own wellbeing and that of their families.

Click here to open Liverpool’s ACEs Strategy: A City that Builds Prevention from and Protection for Adverse Childhood Experiences


This report outlines the findings of a Liverpool City Region ACEs survey explaining ACEs in Liverpool.

The survey was designed to understand the current perception of ACEs in Liverpool across the children and young people’s workforce. In addition, it enabled us to develop an informed approach.  Ensuring ACE and childhood trauma are understood and identified.

State of Health in the City: Liverpool 2040

State of Health in the City: Liverpool 2040 is a report from Liverpool’s Director of Public Health, Professor Matt Ashton, that uses the latest data and research to paint a picture of health in the city.

The report describes how health in the city has evolved since 1984, the current state of health in 2024, and for the first time a projection of health and wellbeing in the city in 2040 based on current trends. As well as this, the report outlines the work the council, its partners and the government need to do to tackle the challenges it is projecting by 2040.

ACEs: Where are we now & looking to the future conference – June 2023

Below you will find the presentations delivered at the conference. Click the links to download.

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Presented by Carmel Henshall

Offending or Defending? Presented by Emma White- Senior Mental Health Practitioner- AlderHey CAMHS

Our emotional postures in exploring adverse experiences. Presented by Michael Galbraith Parent and Baby Service, PSS

Whole Family Therapeutic Intervention. Presented by Crea8ting Community

Liverpool: a city that builds protection from, and resilience for, Adverse Childhood Experiences. Presented by SIL

Kinship Carers

Evidenced-based approaches for preventing and responding to avoidable childhood adversity. Presented by Zara Quigg  Prof Behavioural Epidemiology Public Health Institute, Liverpool John Moores University

NOW Festivals

The NOW Festival 2024 theme was ‘’Mental Health & Overcoming ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences)’’.

This was chosen as the 2024 ‘NOW’ theme as we felt as a city, we have come so far in addressing ACEs since the last ACEs NOW Festival five years ago. We wanted to understand further what recovery looks like and how we respond to ACEs and continue our progress. We reflected on all the developments in highlighting and addressing ACEs in the city, focusing on the 10 original defined ACEs and beyond, looking at other adversities that can impact children and young people, and our young people’s creative pieces showed us far more than the original 10, with asylum and homelessness, neurodiversity and discrimination being highlighted amongst others.

NOW Festival 2019 also explored the subject of ‘Rise Up – Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) and Resilience.’

ACE Conference – A Call to Action, presentations and notes:

Kathryn Pugh MBE
Programme Lead for Children and Young People’s Mental Health NHS England
> Transforming Children and Young People’s Mental Health presentation

Steve Morton
Health and Wellbeing Manager, Public Health England North West
> Adverse Childhood Experiences presentation

Dr Zara Quigg PHD
Reader in Behavioural Epidemiology
> Adverse Childhood Experiences presentation