PAPYRUS Youth suicide prevention is the UK charity that works with people aged 35 and under who are experiencing thoughts of suicide; people who may be concerned for a young person experiencing thoughts of suicide; and any professional who needs a debrief after an encounter with suicide.
Trained suicide prevention advisers at HOPELINEUK work with each individual caller, to create a unique suicide safety plan and disable the caller’s plan for suicide at that moment.
Suicide doesn’t discriminate, and there is no one reason that a person might be feeling suicidal; our advisers work to address the caller’s unique reasons for feeling suicidal and help to keep them safe for now.
You can also find support and advice in our My Problems section
PAPYRUS Youth suicide prevention works across the UK to support, equip and influence people and governments to create suicide-safer communities.
- We support those experiencing thoughts of suicide, concerned others and professionals through HOPELINEUK.
- We equip people to create suicide-safer communities through our specialist suicide prevention training courses.
- We influence decision-makers at regional and national government levels, to legislate for a suicide-safer society.
What youth suicide prevention support does Papayrus offer?
Suicide is the biggest killer of anyone aged 35 or under in the UK – this is our remit.
Although our HOPELINEUK service is primarily targeted at those aged 35 and under who are experiencing thoughts of suicide, we will never turn a caller away based on age. Instead, we work with any caller to find the right service that can help them.
Alongside this, we work with concerned others – of any age – who are worried about a young person. We also work with professionals, be it teachers, GPs, first responders, councillors – of any age – who have had a recent encounter of suicide and would like to debrief with one of our trained suicide prevention advisers.
What age group does Papyrus youth suicide prevention work with?
Yes, we work with any family member who is worried that a young person might be experiencing thoughts of suicide, through HOPELINEUK.
A lot of the fundraisers that we work with are family members who have lost a young person to suicide, or who want to raise funds and awareness for PAPYRUS.
Do you work with other family members?
Yes, PAPYRUS youth suicide prevention offers a range of suicide prevention training: SP-OT (Suicide Prevention Overview Training); SP-EAK (Suicide Prevention Explore Ask Keep-safe); and SP-ARK (Suicide Prevention Awareness Resources Knowledge).
We also deliver ASIST training (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training).
You can find out about our upcoming training sessions on the PAPYRUS website.
It’s worth noting that due to the sensitive nature of our suicide prevention training, we have paused our training offer momentarily due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. More information about our training and when it will resume will be updated on our website.
Do you offer training in your specialist area?