Support services

Liverpool CAMHS Partners


An easily accessible online mental health platform for anyone aged 10-25 years old, looking for support. Kooth allows you to log on and chat with trained counsellors, get online community support, track your emotions through journals and read about self-help tips in the Kooth magazine articles.  Home – Kooth 


An online mental health forum for any aged 26+ who needs support with their emotional wellbeing. When you log onto Qwell you are given access to chat to a trained Qwell counsellor, track your emotions through journals, gain support from an online community and read about self-help tips and topics through Qwell’s magazine articles.  Home – Qwell

Shout 85258 is a free, confidential, 24/7 text message support service for anyone who is feeling overwhelmed or is struggling to cope.

The service is staffed by trained volunteers who will work with you to take your next steps towards feeling better. We can help with issues such as stress, anxiety and depression and are here to talk at any time of day or night.

Text SHOUT to 85258 for immediate support. Find out more here.

U-COPE Therapy

U-COPE therapy (University Community Outpatient Psychotherapy Engagement) is a self-harm service designed for those who have recently self-harmed or those who struggle with self-harming currently.

U-CAN Group Skills

U-CAN is a six-week psycho-social skills education group aimed at helping students develop skills which can positively impact how they manage their mental health. The weekly sessions will provide practical tools and skills to help you improve your levels of stress, anxiety, and persistent low mood.  Referrals into this service are currently via each University’s Wellbeing Team.

Suicide Awareness Training – University Student Edition

This edition of our suicide awareness training has been developed specifically for university students and includes information and scenarios that are related to experiences at university.

The training has been created for university students, their families and friends but can be taken by anyone over the age of 16.

National support services

Papyrus Hopeline

This is for anyone under the age of 35 who is experiencing thoughts of suicide or is concerned for another person’s wellbeing. HOPELINEUK advisers will work with you to understand why these thoughts of suicide might be present, to provide you with a safe space to talk through anything that might be happening in your life and offer you guidance on the next steps to keep yourself and others safe. Papyrus Hopeline is open 9 am – midnight, 365 days a year. 

Call: 0800 068 4141 / Text: 07860039967 / Email:


Whatever you’re going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. They are there 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call: 116 123 or email:

The Hub of Hope

Hub of Hope – Mental Health Support Network provided by Chasing the Stigma The Hub of Hope provides you with information on mental health support within your area, by typing in your postcode, you will see a range of support services available in your area. 

Student minds

Student space is available to offer support and guidance. To start a free conversation text STUDENT to 85258 or call for free on 0808 189 5260 between 4 pm-11 pm. Support for me – Student Minds

The Mix 

The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young adults under 25. They are there to help you take on any challenges you may be facing, from your mental health to finding a job, substance abuse or breakups. Talk to them on their online community, or ring their free confidential helpline on 0808 808 4994.

Where can you find support on campus?

Along with the list of national mental health charities that you can get in touch with, here are some other suggestions on how to get support for your mental health:

Your GP
Make sure you are registered to a local GP when arriving at university. Book an appointment with your GP to speak about how you are feeling, it may be useful to write down what you have been going through before your visit, so you don’t feel overwhelmed or forget key information.

University counselling
Most universities will have counselling services, use this space to talk through anything that is on your mind. If you are unsure how to access this support, speak to a tutor on campus or your student welfare team.

In an emergency
If you feel you need urgent medical advice please ring NHS 111
If you need immediate medical help call 999 or visit Accident & Emergency (A&E)

Apps & websites
There are a range of apps available to support you with your mental health from managing your worries, keeping a journal of your emotions, mindfulness and support for self-harm – Click here to find out more – Websites & Apps Archive – Liverpool CAMHS