YPAS Plus Community Hub Open Days Success

26 February 2017

Children, young people and their families visited the Young Person’s Advisory Service (YPAS) Plus Community Hub’s open days last week.

YPAS Plus Community Hub Official Launch

20 February 2017

Liverpool’s south community-based mental health and emotional wellbeing hub officially opened on February 2, in Childwall. The hub was offically opened by Luciana Berger MP.

2017 NOW Festival huge success

10 February 2017

Hundreds of young people performed at the Epstein in Liverpool’s second children’s mental health-focused NOW Festival this week.

The youth rights movement starts here…

19 January 2017

Pioneering local charities 42nd Street and YPAS today launch a major initiative aimed at empowering young people to use their rights to address social injustice

Cheshire and Merseyside Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP)

18 December 2016

Plan provides a new vision for long-term sustainable health and care for people across Cheshire and Merseyside

YPAS Counsellor smashes fundraising target

10 December 2016

YPAS counsellor Robert Quinn has pushed himself to the limit this year raising £2016 for the Young Person’s Advisory Service.

Innovative project aims to improve wellbeing of city’s primary school pupils

19 October 2016

Thousands of primary schoolchildren in Liverpool will benefit from an innovative new project to help improve their mental health and emotional wellbeing. Seedlings, an early intervention therapeutic service, is being launched by award-winning social enterprise PSS and the Young Person’s Advisory Service.

Liverpool Mental Health Festival – Williamson Sq Event 8th Oct

10 October 2016

Hundreds of conversations around children and young peoples’ mental health took place during the Liverpool Mental Health Festival, organised by the Liverpool Mental Health Consortium and on the 8th Oct at the Williamson Square event, representatives from the partnership engaged with many people of all ages.