If you’re aged between 18 and 25, a range of services can help you with your mental health and emotional wellbeing. Whether you need information and advice, or you’re in crisis and need specialist help, there’s someone to help.

You’ll be able to access services based on your assessed needs.

You can download an easy-read overview of Liverpool’s mental health support for young people by clicking the button below:

18-25 Support Overview

If you need information and advice…

If you’re struggling with your feelings, you’re not alone. We’re here to help you and offer advice.

We can also tell you about the support available and share information on getting the support you need.

YPAS  offer wellbeing services young people can attend.

In school, college or university, you can access counselling and welfare support services

Your GP can talk to you about your mental health and help introduce you to the right mental health service for your needs.

Mersey Care Life Rooms (age 18+) provides person-centred support in areas such as mental and physical wellbeing.

Talking Therapies, Liverpool offers support for young people and adults in Liverpool who are feeling depressed or anxious.

Kooth is a free, safe and anonymous online wellbeing advice, support and counselling service.

SHOUT: Text SHOUT to 85258

If you need more than advice…

Sometimes, young people face difficulties in life that are too much for friends and families to help with.

You can access specialist help online or in person to help you through difficult times.

YPAS offer counselling & psychological therapies, including Spinning World support for refugee & asylum-seeking young people.

Step Forward is a psychological intervention service. Requests are provided through a GP or another health professional referral.

Mersey Care’s Early Intervention in Psychosis Service supports young people aged 14 – 35 who have had a psychotic experience.

Eating disorder support: Mersey Care’s Eating Disorder Service/FREED.

SHOUT: Text SHOUT to 85258

If you need specialist help… 

If you’re experiencing moderate or severe mental health and emotional difficulties and they’re having a significant impact on your daily psychological/social, and educational functioning, specialist services are here for you.

Eating disorder support: Mersey Care’s Eating Disorder Service/FREED