4 April 2017

YPAS Plus – North Liverpool Community Hub has the green light

A fantastic start to the year for YPAS and the Liverpool CAMHS Partnership as we have officially signed on the dotted line for our second community hub, staff will begin to move in to the hub week commencing 27th March for phase one of the new developments.

The YPAS Plus Community Hubs will deliver an early integrated CAMHS offer under the one roof. Bringing voluntary and statutory agencies together for the benefit of children, young people and their families. YPAS Plus will provide a range of services and links to health, education and social care supporting the mental health and emotional wellbeing needs of the community. Liverpool truly are forward thinking in their provision for children and young people and YPAS are excited to be leading this project.

The North Liverpool – YPAS Plus is located on Croxdale Road (former Mab Lane Community Centre), and alongside the well-established city centre location and the new South Hub we are really excited about the opportunities this brings for Liverpool and for the CAMHS Partnership. Being able to deliver Mental Health Services and Emotional Wellbeing Support right in the heart of the communities is a huge step forward.

The journey so far for the North Hub has involved a vast range of community engagement and signing of for the keys to the building this month means we can now move onto the next phase of our journey which will involve builders decorating and changing the layout of the building. We will also continue our community engagement until we can officially start to deliver services from the hub.

Janine Pevitt, Community Hub Coordinator – North said: “To have our North YPAS PLUS Hub in the heart of the community will enable more children, young people and their families to access services easier in a safe, comfortable and friendly environment…we are delighted.”

Monique Collier, YPAS Chief Executive said: “I am very excited to announce our 2nd YPAS Plus Community Hub – NORTH. Our model is Partnership led, consisting of delivery partners from CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) including Liverpool’s broader services across health, education and social care. The community hubs allow for the delivery of our services to brought closer to the community, whilst continuing to offer the choice of our city centre venue. YPAS Plus provides a wide range of integrated services that allows for the mental health and emotional wellbeing difficulties of Liverpool’s children, young people and families to be addressed from the ‘right’ place, by the ‘right’ person at the ‘right’ time.

“This broadened provision is fantastic, of which I am confident the city will benefit from.”

Andy Kerr, YPAS Chair of Trustees said: “It’s so important to respect children and people when you wish to support them, and to meet them on their own terms.  Reaching out into the heart of communities from our YPAS Plus Hub enables us to just that!”