Child+Adolescent to Parent Violence+Abuse Session (CAPVA)


14/01/2025 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Who the course is for: this course is for those working with children and young people (in any capacity), and parents, carers, or those caring for children and young people.

About this course: Delivered by the MYA RAISE Team, this Bitesize course delves into understanding the issue, the impact that can arise on mental health and wellbeing to all involved, why this can arise and where to access support for all that need the help. This course has been developed with the help of the specialists CAPA First Response and will feature films made to aid discussion.

Learning outcomes:

  • To understand about what CAPVA and why are certain families impacted.
  • To reflect on the impact that can arise and how the whole family can be supported through issues.
  • To gain tools to implement ideas and signpost for support

Time length:  2 hours

Delivery method: Online via Zoom. A link will be emailed out to you a few days beforehand.

Delivered by: Lucy Oliver (Please email for any enquiries)

Booking information:

Please note – An email from confirming booking status.  it is recommended you add this email to your safe sender list and please check your spam folder if you do not receive your email.

Certificates of attendance will only be issued to the lead event booker . If you require a personal certificate, please ensure you proceed with your own individual booking. 

Other links: for further bitesize courses link to this course such as resilience, adolescent brain development, social media and mental health please visit Training – Liverpool CAMHS

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