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Mental Health Offer
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Liverpool providers
Targeted & National Support
Ages 0 - 11
Ages 11 - 16
Ages 16 - 25
Cheshire & Merseyside mental health services map
What are Adverse Childhood Experiences ACEs?
ACEs in Liverpool
ACE reports studies and additional websites
Websites & Apps
General including Anxiety and Sleep
Meditation and Relaxation
Ages 1-5
Ages 6-10
Ages 11+
University & college students
Liverpool films
ACE films
Covid Impact
Voices of Young People
Workforce tools
Liverpool’s Children in Care
UNCRC – Rights of the Child
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I am a child/young person
Mental health and emotional wellbeing news for children & young people
Calendar of events
Find out about events and activities you can get involved with.
Need Advice
Thoughts, feelings and behaviours
My thoughts and my mental health
How I feel and my mental health
Actions & behaviours
My action and behaviours and my mental health
Situations you might be experiencing and how to manage them
General apps & websites
Including sleep and anxiety
Relaxation apps & websites
Apps and websites that can help you relax
Moods Apps & websites
Positively manage your mood and how you’re feeling
Advice & support for 16-18-year-olds
A range of services that can help you with your mental health and emotional wellbeing.
Advice & support for 18-25-year-olds
A range of services that can help you with your mental health and emotional wellbeing.
Student services
A directory of local and national services to support your mental health
Student self-care
Tips for looking after your mental wellbeing
Exam Wellbeing
Help and advice for young people managing the exam season
I am a parent/carer
Mental health and emotional wellbeing news for parents & carers
Difficult or Traumatic Events
Our partners are here to support children, young people & their families with their emotional & mental health needs.
Calendar of events and training
Events to get involved with and access free, bitesize training
Supporting your child with anxiety
Low mood and depression
Supporting your child with depression and low mood
Eating Problems and Disorders in Children and Young People
Supporting your child with an eating disorder
Suicidal thoughts
Supporting your child experiencing suicidal thoughts
Supporting your child if they are harming themselves
Support groups
Get involved with local groups to support your child’s mental health
I work with families
Mental health and emotional wellbeing news for professionals
FREE training opportunities for professionals working with children and young people in Liverpool
Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences and trauma-informed practices
Tools and techniques to build resilience in children and young people
Kinship Kids
Kinship carers look after a family member’s or friend’s child in their own home.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
A range of films exploring different subjects around mental health and emotional wellbeing
Workforce Tools
Tools and resources for professionals working with children and young people
Self-harm toolkit
A multi-agency self-harm practice guidance to support practitioners to keep children safe
Liverpool’s Children in Care
Supporting mental health and emotional wellbeing of children and young people living in care in Liverpool
Child or Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse (CAPVA)
Challenging and harmful behaviour by a child towards their parent or caregiver.
I work in education
Mental health and emotional wellbeing news for education
Liverpool’s Whole School Approach
Exploring the city’s approach to mental health in schools
Education Mental Health Teams
A range of providers/services that deliver across the pathway
Resources and information to help teaching staff to recognise early signs of mental health issues
Mental health policies
Download an editable version of the Liverpool schools’ mental health and emotional wellbeing policy
Training to support young people in schools with their mental health and wellbeing.
ROCKET resilience champions
A one-day, interactive course aimed at primary-aged children.
TOTEM: Peer Mentoring Course
An interactive, award-winning peer mentoring offer for secondary schools focusing on mental health.
Introduction to Psychosis
Introduction to Psychosis
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