A powerful poem about young peoples struggles, written and read out by young people.

Miserable Teenager – YPAS Short film

This ACE film from the 2019 NOW Festival shows Olivia opening up about what life was like for her growing up with ACEs.
Olivia’s ACEs story

This animation is about a young person entering the care system who is dealing with difficult emotions.
Produced by The Art Clinic Liverpool 2019 artclinic.org.uk

In a world where human brains inch across snowy landscapes, where perils lurk in every shadow, one community will rally behind a struggling brain—and just might change the world in the process.
Brains: Journey to Resilience

This film is based on the performance ‘My Teacher Thought I Was, So I Am’ by pupils from Archbishop Blanch school, which won the overall NOW Festival award in 2018
Can you see me?

Highlighting the issue of stigma relating to mental health.
You’re Not Immune

This animation aims to support workers to know how to adapt the way they work to make a positive difference to people affected by trauma and adversity
Opening Doors: Trauma Informed Practice for the Workforce

This TedX features the story of a resilient, fictional young girl with an Ace score of 6 called Maja
TedX film by ReMoved

A TedX talk on ACEs
How do we stop childhood adversity from becoming a life sentence?

Paediatrician Nadine Burke Harris explains ACEs in this TEDMED talk
How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime

The film developed to raise awareness of ACEs and their potential to damage health
Adverse Childhood Experiences

The Liverpool CAMHS partnership capturing real-life views on how ACEs can affect someone's life
Life is ACE

What is psychosis?
What is psychosis?

Talking about self harming.
No Harm Done film for young people

Recognising and responding to self harm for professionals working with young people.
No Harm Done film for professionals

Recognising and responding to self harm for parents.
No Harm Done film for parents

Following a day in the life of Charlie who was fostered when he was 3 years-old.
This is Charlie

Why see ADDvanced Solutions?
ADDvanced Solutions

What is YPAS?

What is Spinning World?
Spinning World