Understanding the mental health risks associated with gambling and gaming.


What are healthy and unhealthy relationships and how they can impact on us.
Different types of relationships

Signs to help spot CSE and how to report it.
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)

Understanding what self-harm is and locating where to seek support.
Self Harm

Sometimes, our relationship with our bodies - how we see ourselves and food can become overwhelming and impact our day-to-day lives, possibly creating anxiety or stress.
Eating Problems

Identifying symptoms associated with depression, locating where to seek support, and understanding what treatment might look like

Recognising signs and symptoms of anger, ideas for self-soothing, and where to seek support.
Feeling angry

Some of the reasons people might be worried about going to school and tips on overcoming worry.
Worried about school

Advice on how to meet new people, ways to overcome nerves and tips on communication.
Worried about meeting new people

Why people might feel lonely and where to seek support.
Feeling Lonely

What are the different types of bullying and where to seek support.