YPAS job vacancies

12 August 2020

The Young Person’s Advisory Service (YPAS) is a Liverpool charity that provides a wide range of support and therapeutic interventions to address the mental health and emotional well-being of children (aged 5-15), young people (16-25) and their families.

Partner Demand – COVID-19 support

10 August 2020

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, our partners have been working hard to support children, young people and their families.

Voices of Culture – calling young people from black, Asian and ethnic minorities

29 July 2020

We want to hear the voices of young people from black, Asian and ethnic minorities as we continue to tackle the stigma around mental health, as well as building resilience.

Liverpool CAMHS recognised nationally

3 July 2020

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, our partners have quickly adapted their ways of working to keep providing vital mental health care and support to all children and young people who need it. We are so proud to be featured among the many mental health teams across the country in this report. Click here to read about […]

Liverpool Whole School Approach Collective – 22nd July

23 June 2020

Meet colleagues from across the city working to support children and young people’s mental health in Liverpool schools.

Infant Mental Health Week  (7th-12th June 2020).

8 June 2020

To mark Infant Mental Health Awareness Week, Dr Helen Honor and Dr Kim Embra (Clinical Psychologists) in Fresh CAMHS have made a short presentation promoting what infant mental health is and why it is important.  

CAMHS Delivery and Training Summary – APRIL

3 June 2020

These infographics outline the CAMHS support delivered to children, young people, parents and carers as well as feedback received. Feedback on the bite-size training opportunities has been extremely positive. To book a place on a future course please visit the training events page. Download a PDF of these infographics here.

Bite-size Training Opportunities

13 May 2020

Merseyside Youth Association’s mental health promotion team (RAISE Team), has developed a range of bite-size courses, adapted from courses they have previously delivered. These sessions cover a range of mental health issues which impact on children, young people and their families.