Next Step Cards – funded training places across Cheshire & Merseyside

7 July 2022

Beyond, Cheshire & Merseyside’s Children and Young People’s Transformation Programme has funded 540 places for Next Step Cards training across the nine Cheshire & Merseyside boroughs: Cheshire East, Cheshire West & Chester, Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens, Warrington, and Wirral.

Alder Hey CAMHS Staff Complete Nature Well Training

22 June 2022

Alder Hey FRESH CAMHS, Sefton CAMHS, Dewi Jones, and Sandfield Park staff recently completed training from the Natural Academy in Nature Well Level 2 Facilitation. The training is nature-based and took place over three two-day sessions with two of the sessions taking place in Springfield Park next to Alder Hey Children’s Hospital.

Improving access to mental health services for minority communities

21 June 2022

We want to understand how children and young people, parents and carers in Liverpool from Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic backgrounds (BAME) feel about support for their mental health & emotional wellbeing.

Hands Together creative arts campaign–

10 June 2022

The MYA RAISE Team have been delivering a six-week mental health in the early years’ programme to 21 families with babies, infants and young children.

First Five Festival – 18th June 2022

8 June 2022

What is the First Five Festival? First Five Festival is a collaboration across the Liverpool City Region (LCR) and a celebration of the early years! The Festival is being delivered by the First Five Collective, a network bringing together charity, voluntary and community organisations that work with families and their children from 0 to 5 […]

The Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition: Call for evidence

20 May 2022

The Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition are delighted to have launched a new inquiry on behaviour and mental health in schools. Coalition members have long been concerned that often children and young people get punished for behaviour that is linked to their mental health, and that responses to behaviour like the use of […]

Vacancies working with children and young people in Liverpool

20 May 2022

YPAS’s multi-disciplinary teams of therapists and wellbeing practitioners deliver services from three community hubs geographically positioned in the north, south and city centre of the city. The teams work collaboratively and in partnership with cross-sector services within health, education and social care Wellbeing Practitioners Wellbeing Practitioners support children and young people to address their mental […]

Mental Health Awareness Week

6 May 2022

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week. Throughout the week, on our social media channels,  we’ll be raising awareness of the impact loneliness can have on our mental well-being and sharing some steps we can take to address it.