22 February 2018

Fresh+ Forum parent / carer support group dates

The Fresh+ Forum is a parent/carer support group open to all parents or carers who have a child who attends Fresh CAMHS or is on the waiting list. (Adults only please)

The Fresh+ Forum was set up by the Fresh+ Group to provide parents and carers with:

– a safe space that is confidential and free from judgement

– an opportunity to meet other parents/carers

– the opportunity to talk about how you are feeling in a supportive environment.

The Fresh+ Forum is run by parents who have children that are attending Fresh CAMHS (or have done until recently).

Fresh+ Group aims to:

Change the way CAMHS support parents and carers to gain a better understanding of the family journey

Enable parents/carers to reinforce the work CAMHS do and help them develop skills they can use to support  their children/young people during and after their involvement with CAMHS

Challenge the stigma faced by families

What we would like everyone to know:

Parents and carers are a vital part of the CAMHS journey and will be heard

Be prepared to change how you think about mental health and the way you do things

You have the power to improve your child’s mental health and every child’s mental health.

Parents might like to know:

Being involved in the CAMHS journey can help you to understand what your child is experiencing

It’s ok not to have all the answers but you can look for support and information

Talk about your own feelings, ask questions and don’t be afraid to speak out

Parents and carers can support each other and you have the right to be listened to without judgement

The Fresh+ Forums start with a short information session, with an opportunity for parents to ask questions, and then the main support group.


The upcoming Fresh+ Forum dates and topics:

Wednesday 28th February 12-2pm ‘What is CAMHS?’

Tuesday 6th March 5-7pm ‘Coping & Resilience for Parents’

Wednesday 21st March 12-2pm ‘Coping & Resilience for Parents’