HOPELINK is PAPYRUS’s digital platform that is helping HOPELINEUK callers to revisit and update their suicide safety plans, online.

Clear Fear

Chill Panda


How to cope with nightmares
Here to help

The sleep ebook – an introduction to sleep.
National Sleep Foundation

Sleep tools and tips
Sleep Foundation

The interactive quiz which helps to get top tips and advice for you.
Every mind matters

Think Ninja

Send an email to your future self.
You can choose when to receive it.
Future me

Tasks that help you resist or manage the urge to self harm.
Calm Harm

A database of all support services within your local area.
Hub of Hope

For when you need a little extra help getting through those tough days.

This is packed full of useful information to help you stay safe.
Stay Alive

Free supportive and interactive app for supporting mental health.
Silver Cloud

Learn to meditate in just 10 minutes a day with the Headspace app.

Prevention of young suicide.

Self-help Anxiety management on your mobile
SAM app

Essential support for the under 25s.
The Mix

A free educational resource on children and young people’s mental health for all adults.

Here to let all lesbian, gay, bi and trans people, here and abroad, know they’re not alone.