24 November 2023

Liverpool Children’s Festival of Reading 

Get ready for a literary celebration!

The Children’s Festival of Reading is happening from January 22nd to 29th, just before Children’s Mental Health Week (starting February 5th). All events are online, live-streamed, and free to LLP member schools. Schools that are not LLP members can take part at a small cost.  

The texts chosen are by a diverse range of book creators and include opportunities for children to explore the idea of voice and the importance of using that voice. They include Natalie Denny’s Keisha Jones Takes On The World, which tells the story of a young girl learning to use her voice to stand up for what she believes in and In Our Hands by Lucy Farfort, a stunning picture book about a group of friends who make a difference to their world.  

Two of the sessions will take place in conjunction with Comics Youth CIC and their publishing arm, Marginal. These sessions will give young marginalised book creators the opportunity to show that their voice matters and give them experience in sharing their books with young audiences. Archie’s Grand Plan and Mara of the Loch are beautifully illustrated stories with themes of friendship, teamwork and the importance of using your voice to advocate for yourself or to help others.  

We’re thrilled to announce that we’re also providing resources for schools to explore ‘Your Voice Matters’—facilitating discussions and activities inspired by these impactful stories.  

Find out more at Liverpool Children’s Festival of Reading – Liverpool Learning Partnership 

Let’s celebrate diversity and inclusion and acknowledge that every child’s voice truly matters!