15 December 2015

Liverpool hosts youth mental health conference

This animation is the shared stories of young people who are on MYA’s Talent Match Program

MYA Talent Match

We worked with a group of young people who shared their stories and experiences, then exploring how Resilience which is promoted through the project can build a young person’s life.   

40% of unemployed young people have experienced mental health problems as a direct result of being out of work. Prince’s Trust Youth Index 2015

72% of long- term unemployed young people admit that they do not have anyone they feel they can confide in

 32% of long-term unemployed young people have felt suicidal. Princes Trust Youth Index 2015

Prince’s Trust

Young people experiencing  ‘everyday’ social welfare legal problems (e.g. concerning debt, benefits, housing or employment) were five times more likely to report mental health problems.Health Inequality and Access to Justice: Young Peoples Mental Health and Legal Issues June 2015 Youth Access.

The Legal Education Foundation

 21% of long-term unemployed young people believe they have “nothing to live for” Princes Trust Youth Index 2015

Prince’s Trust

 More than 70 per cent say that with the right support they could contribute a lot to the country although they need help to boost their confidence and advice and information and advice about their options.  University and College Union 2013 NEETS  Survey

Knowledge Economy

Half of those with lifetime mental health problems first experience symptoms by the age of 14, and three-quarters before their mid-20s. No Health Without Mental Health 2011

Gov UK

Do open youth unemployment and youth programs leave the same mental health scars? – Evidence from a Swedish 27-year cohort study


Food bank opens for young people hit by benefit sanctions-Talent Match foodbank features in The Guardian article:

Talent Match Food Bank

Scrooge is at large on UK’s hungry streets-The Guardian article:

The Guardian

Please click below link to view a Talent Match case study: