13 March 2024

Liverpool Whole School Approach (WSA) Partnership Releases Summary of Education Mental Health Support Review

The Liverpool Whole School Approach (WSA) Partnership is pleased to announce the release of a summarised edition of the Education Mental Health Team Review report published in December 2023.

The comprehensive review, conducted by Kath Fraser-Thompson, Senior Development Lead—Whole School Approach to Mental Health and Wellbeing at the Liverpool Learning Partnership, examines the current situation of mental health support in Liverpool schools: the successes, challenges, and recommendations for improvements and future developments.

The full scope was developed and conducted with the support of the Educational Mental Health Teams (EMHTs) Operational Senior Steering Group.

In recent years, the demand for mental health support in Liverpool schools has surged, prompting the establishment of EMHTs.

The EMHT offer has developed and demonstrated positive outcomes. However, as with any new model, it needed to be reviewed. Furthermore, several factors have impacted population needs: the COVID-19 pandemic, NHS commissioning changes, and children’s and young people’s insight, alongside ongoing WSA developments.

Thanks to the support of EMHT service teams: Young Persons Advisory Service (YPAS), Merseyside Youth Association RAISE Team (MYA), Alder Hey MHST, and Liverpool Learning Partnership (LLP).

Acknowledgements to:

  • School Mental Health Leads.
  • Liverpool Learning Partnership.
  • Liverpool City Council for sharing Oxwell 2023 data to inform this report.
  • NHS Cheshire and Merseyside ICB, Liverpool Place.


You can read the summary review here