14 July 2021

Summer support for families’ mental health

As schools, colleges and universities close for the Summer, children and young people, parents and carers will still be able to access support for their mental health and emotional wellbeing.

It’s important that families are aware of this support, and how to access it. A number of campaigns have been launched, running throughout the Summer and into the Autumn term.

Reach Out

Liverpool City Council, in partnership with Liverpool CAMHS have launched the Reach Out campaign.

Aimed at young people aged 14-25, the message focuses on assuring young people if they’re struggling with their mental health, they’re not alone. It’s ok to reach out and ask for support. The Reach Out campaign page features helpful tips on how young people can look after their mental health and emotional wellbeing. There’s also a guide to services.

The campaign will run on digital channels, with printed materials to be distributed to schools, colleges and universities from September.

You can download the Reach Out campaign toolkit here.



Children and Young People’s Mental Health Services

A flyer has been produced to raise awareness of the mental health support available for families, and how it can be accessed.

You can download the flyer to share with your networks here




You can also share the animation from the Liverpool CAMHS YouTube channel, where you will also find a range of films and animations

Support for parents and carers

Parents and carers can access support from a range of services:

  • Liverpool Light is a preventative out-of-hours (Monday – Sunday 6 pm – 1 am) mental health crisis service. It has been set up to provide a safe place for adults experiencing a mental health or other crisis to meet their needs and begin their recovery
  • Merseycare Mental Health Trust – 0800 145 6570 – Open 24/7 for people ages 16+, living in Liverpool, Sefton or Kirkby. Reach out and speak to someone who will offer you advice and support. The practitioner on the phone will ask for your name and age, or you can have someone ring on your behalf.
  • Adults aged 26+ in Liverpool can access Qwell.io to support their mental health and wellbeing. Alongside Kooth.com which is available for 10-25-year-olds in Liverpool, this service supports wellbeing by providing free, safe and anonymous peer support, self-help resources and online counselling.


There is also a range of information, resources and links to services on the parents and carers page.