12 September 2023

YPAS Alternative to Crisis External Evaluation Report

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Young Person’s Advisory Service (YPAS) has offered a drop-in service from its Liverpool City Centre hub for over 55 years. It has considerable experience working with children and young people in high levels of distress and with complex needs.

YPAS secured Transformation funding, which allowed considerable expansion of drop-in offer across three hubs with extended opening hours as an alternative to crisis.

The intended outcome of the alternative to crisis provision is that children and young people receive a timely response to their mental health crisis via holistic support offered from a community hub close to their home, and where they are collaboratively supported through the appropriate pathway depending on the nature and level of their need. YPAS commissioned an external evaluation by Dr Cathy Street to explore to what extent these outcomes are being achieved.

Where can I read the full report?

You can read the full report online here.